or get in touch to find out more. There is no charge for an initial brief conversation before deciding on a session.
Service bilingue. Virtually anywhere with the online video counselling room. (Psychotherapy provided within Ontario. Counselling available across Canada. Coaching available globally.) Contact: 844-862-7037 [email protected] |
At Move Your Mind, we promote resilience and take a holistic view of counselling. We believe in promoting mental health and facilitating optimal living, not simply treating illness symptoms. Most people need support for a difficulty, impacting experience, or other psycho-emotional obstacles at some point in life. It’s easy to feel alone in struggling, but you are not alone. Also, you are more than your flaws or challenges. Every client is a unique individual when it comes to approaches that would fit you, and we are trained in several that we can draw from. We recognize that you have a unique experience and combination of challenges and resources for wellbeing. Some areas of specialization include:
Nature Nurture Pet Program & Equine Experience Soul Connection |